Writing the Manuscript
1. Your manuscript should be written in MS Word. While writing your chapter in MS Word, clear formatting and section numbering are most important.
2. Figures should not be inserted into MS Word. This permanently reduces their quality.
If using figures, save a copy of the high-quality original .jpeg/.png etc files in a separate folder named "Figures"
3. Numbering of figures/tables/equations should follow the format chapter.Number/span>
This means that the first figure in chapter one is Figure 1.1, the ninth figure in chapter three is Figure 3.9.
4. Any images, long quotes or epigraphs (quotes placed at the start of a chapter) will need permission from their original publisher for you to use them. So, please avoid them.
General editorial style
Use a style appropriate to your discipline as a guide for spelling, capitalization, notes and references, etc. Whichever style you use it is important to ensure that you follow it consistently throughout the book or example, in the use of:
Serial comma
Numerals (written or spelt out)
Punctuation of lists
References (see further below)
Prefer the use of Word styles to indicate different levels of headings.
If you cannot use Word styles, please ensure that your present headings are consistent with different levels of headings clearly differentiated. For example, use bold for level 1 subheadings, italics for level 2 subheadings, and roman for level 3 subheadings, i.e.:
Subheading level 1
Subheading level 2
Subheading level 3
You may wish to make all your headings a font size bigger than the main text, for clarity.
Avoid using all capitals for subheadings as this makes it hard to see which words you prefer to be capitalized.
Avoid using more than 3 levels of subheadings.
Do not include (embed) the figures in the word document (manuscript) as this can lead to problems with the quality with which they can be reproduced.
To ensure that the figures are of the highest possible quality, please submit all figures appropriately labelled, in a figures older, as JPEG or PNG files. Ideally, we would like this figures to have a DPI resolution of 300.
Draw your own figures. If you are taking an exact figure from some source; provide source information. Source information may be included in the figure caption.
Figure Labelling
It is very important, in order to avoid delays with the production and publication of the book, that figures are labelled correctly in the manuscript that is submitted back to CRC Press. Any image that is not a Table must be labelled as a figure this does not include formulas or equations.
The figures must be labelled to designate their Chapter and Figure Number. For example:
In Chapter 1:
Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4
In Chapter 2:
Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2
Figure 2.3
Figure 2.4
Do not carry on counting the figures past the chapter number; restart from [Chapter Number].1 at the beginning of a new chapter.
Do not label the figures by the subsections/subheadings they come under in the word document (e.g. Figure 1.1.3; Figure 1.1.4 etc); just label them in the order they are arranged in each chapter.
In the text, to designate where a figure is supposed to go, please leave a call-out, like so:
Mathematics, formulae and equations
If a very simple formula or equation is needed in your manuscript then it can be inserted into the body text, but you should use the proper mathematical characters. Word processing packages normally allow you to insert symbol characters, or alternatively you can use the Windows Character Map to find and select the character you wish.
In other words, please use; (multiplication sign) instead of the letter X, − (minus sign) instead of a hyphen, etc., and use standard mathematical notational style, i.e. italic for variables, roman for constants, bold for vectors and matrices, etc. It is fine to use a solidus (/) rather than a division sign, with parentheses if necessary to avoid ambiguity (e.g. 1/(n+1)).
Fuller formulae or equations should be displayed (inserted on a separate line). If you are working in Word, it is best to insert these using an equation editor. Note that a solidus is not generally used for display formulae or equations a horizontal line is preferred. Displayed equations should be numbered serially but only if they are referred to in the text. Use the decimal system and number them sequentially by chapter on the right hand side of the page. For example:
2x2 + 7y + 8 = 17.1)
Braces, brackets and parentheses are used in the order { [ ( ) ] } except where mathematical convention dictates otherwise (e.g. parentheses or square brackets for different types of mathematical interval).
If you are using displayed equations, then please also submit a PDF version of your manuscript.
Please note that although the copy-editor working on books containing equations will be familiar with mathematical notation, they will not usually be expected to verify the formulae, so it is your responsibility to ensure that the mathematics in your manuscript is correct.
Special characters
Please note that we are not permitted to accept separate font files. If your manuscript contains special characters (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Cyrillic, characters not generally used in Western European languages, symbols, mathematics, IPA characters, etc.) then you should also submit a PDF version of your manuscript and list the special fonts used.
This allows us, the copyeditor, and the typesetter to know what these characters are if we do not have the same font you used to display them. Please note that it is your responsibility to check any such special characters in the proofs.
If your chapter do not contain special characters, then there is no need to submit a PDF for the chapter.
Do not insert comments (such as Microsoft Words comment boxes) into your final manuscript files.
Follow APA style 7th Edition for referencing.
The reference list should be placed at the end of the chapter.
Ensure that your references are consistently presented in terms of: the order in which details are listed; use of capitalization; use of italics and punctuation.
Book and journal titles should always be in italics, regardless of which style guide you are following.
Ensure that each entry includes all publication details as applicable: author/editor name(s) and initials; date of publication; book or article title; journal title and volume number; place of publication; publisher; page numbers for chapter or journal articles.
It is essential that the reference list includes every work cited by you in the text.
Please do not include search engine or database search URLs (e.g. EBSCO, Google, etc.).
Please ensure you check that the date for each entry in the reference list matches the date cited in the text reference.